Advanced Best Practices for Avoiding Problems in Foam Plastic Installations

Course Description

This program follows up on the introductory program which outlines the most common causes of problems in field-applied polyurethane foam installations and guidelines for assuring product quality. It demonstrates new quality control procedures that installers can use during and immediately after the installation to assure and verify product quality. It also highlights the typical discrepancies in the product documentation and how understanding these issues can guide you in preventing foam problems. Case studies provide examples of foam installations for projects using these methods.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to avoid typical problems and failures in foam installations when selecting a foam product and a foam installer.

Participants will be able to require installers to perform quality assurance protocols that will prevent foam problems.

Participants will be able to avoid the typical causes of air quality problems often related to problem spray foam installations.

Participants will be able to develop a comprehensive set of minimum requirements for the documentation that is necessary to complete successful foam projects.

This program can be combined with other presentations which introduce the need for these industry protocols. They include:

Best Practices for Avoiding Problems in Foam Plastic Installations Designing quality foam plastic installations (Introduction)

Foam and the codes

Quality control protocols for foam plastic installations

Inspecting foam plastic installations

Remediating Problems in Foam Plastic Installations