Resources – Building Science and Building Envelope Theory
Topic Groups
- Building envelope commissioning
- Diagnostics and QA testing
- Environment/Green
- HVAC systems
- Problem Solving
- Products and systems
- Science and technology – Building ventilation
- Science and technology – Conduction
- Science and technology – Convection
- Science and technology – Moisture control
- Science and technology – People ventilation & IAQ
- Science and technology – Sound control
- Reference organizations list
- Case studies list
1. Building envelope commissioning
- Achieving high-performance building envelopes. (HCF white paper).
- Air Barrier Metrics. (HCF) 2005.
- Air Infiltration Rates of Some Australian Houses, Australian Institutional Buildings. Biggs, K.L., Bennie, I.D. and Michell, D. 1987.
- Airtightness of Commercial and Institutional Buildings: Blowing Holes in the Myth of Tight Buildings. Persily, Andrew, K., Ph.D.
- ASHRAE Handbooks, 62, 90.1
- Blower Door Fundamentals. Solar Age Magazine. Zilin, Rob. 1986.
- Building Green Does Not Necessarily Cost More Green.
- Commissioning and Monitoring the Building Envelope for Air Leakage, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Commissioning the Air Barrier System. Wagdy Anis, AIA.
- Good Houses Start with Good Spaces. Energy Design Update; Holladay, Martin, Ed. 2002.
- How Important are Air Barriers for High-performance Building Envelopes? (HCF).
- How Tight is Tight Enough, Healthy Building Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. Dumont, Robert. 1998.
- Low-Cost High-Performance Buildings. Energy Design Update.
- SECTION 07220; Sample Air Barrier Specification (HCF).
- Setting Air Leakage Standards for Buildings – ASHRAE Journal, (HCF/Haehnel, Jon) 2005.
- Summary of CRP Case Study Data (HCF).
- The Cost Reduction Protocol (CRP) for High-Performance Building Envelopes (HCF).
- Report: Air Leakage Characteristics, Test Methods and Specifications for Large Buildings, Prepared for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Phillips, Bert. Proskiw, Gary. 2001.
- Retro-Commissioning & Commissioning Building Envelope Systems to Reduce Health Risks & Improve IAQ: What We Have Learned To Date; William A. Turner M.S., P.E. – President, Turner Building Science, LLC, National Conference on Building Commissioning; 2005.
- What’s Being Built Out There? Performance Tests on 100 New Homes. Home Energy Magazine Online. Katz, Arnie. 1997.
- Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG): A comprehensive guide for exterior envelope design and construction for institutional / office buildings.
2. Diagnostics and QA testing
- ASTM 1186 Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Retarder Systems.
- ASTM Draft method: Standard Test Method for Identifying Air Leakage Locations by Fan Pressurization and the Introduction of Theatrical Fog. (HCF) 2003.
- ASTM E 779 – 99: Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization.
- Blower Doors: Better Than We Thought, Energy Design Update. 1997.
- COMcheck Web page (EPA).
- Infrared Thermography as quality control for foamed in-place insulation, Schwartz, Joel, Henri Fennell – The International Society for Optical Engineering SPIE vol. 1094 Thermosense XI. 1989.
- Infrared Thermography as Quality Control for Foamed-in-Place Insulation; Presented at Thermosense Conference XI; 1989. (HCF).
- ISO Standard 6781 Thermal Insulation; Qualitative Detection of Thermal Irregularities in Building Envelopes – Infrared Method.
- Models and standards for the Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium (NAVC) and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funded Electric and Hybrid-Electric Vehicle Program related to the development of the Cold-Weather Specifications for electric vehicles.(HCF), 1998.
- Remote Temperature and Humidity Monitoring – Attics. (HCF) 2001.
- Review of Non-Destructive Test Methods for Assessing Strength, Serviceability and Deterioration, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Snow, Frost and Dew Pattern Testing and Documentation. (HCF) 2001.
- Testing of Air Barrier Systems for Wood Frame Walls, Canadian Housing Information Center. CMHC Research Highlights.
- Testing Your Home for Lead, US EPA.
- Thermographic Inspection and Quality Assurance of Energy Conservation Procedures for Electric Vehicles Presented at Thermosense Conference XX. Department of Defense/DOE (HCF) 1998.
- What a Blower Door Tells You, SolarVision. 1986.
- What is a pressurized fog test? (HCF) 2001.
3. Environment/Green
- A Vent For All Seasons, Plastic Components, Inc., 1997.
- Embodied Energy, A. Wilson – Environmental Building News.
- Local Climatological Data- Monthly Summaries , National Climatic Center.
- Methylene Chloride Inhalation Study, Dow Chemical Company.
- Methylene Chloride Toxicity, U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services. 1990.
- Reducing Radon Risks, US EPA. 1992.
- Sustainable Building Envelope Materials, Emerging Technology.
- Sustainable Residential Design Workshop, EarthRight Institute.
- Toward Sustainability: Recommendations for Reducing Energy Use in Dartmouth Buildings. Dartmouth College, Environmental Studies Project.
4. HVAC systems
- Pop Up Vent Features Built-In Deflector , Energy Design Update.
- Thousands of water heaters failing due to deteriorating plastic dip tubes, Energy Design Update.
- Waste Heat Recovery System, Vaughn MFG Sales Dep.
5. Problem Solving
- Attic ventilation guidelines to minimize icing at eaves. Tobiasson, Wayne, James Buska, and Alan Greatorex. 1998.
- Autonomous Polar Observing Systems Workshop (National Institute of Aerospace); The ARRO 2 Project Enclosure System – Net-zero energy project in Antarctica, Poster presentation. 2011 (HCF).
- Considering moisture when deciding what to do with a problematic low-slope roof. Tobiasson,Wayne. In: Proceedings of the Low-Slope Reroofing Workshop: A Review of the Alternatives, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 1994.
- Database methodology for conducting site specific snow load case studies for the United States. Tobiasson, Wayne and Alan Greatorex. In Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Snow Engineering. 1997.
- Electric heating systems for combating icing problems on metal roofs. Buska, James, Wayne Tobiasson, Alan Greatorex and William Fyall. In Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on Roofing Technology. 1997.
- Freeze-thaw durability of common roof insulations. Tobiasson, Wayne, Bryon Young and Alan Greatorex in Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on Roofing Technology. 1997.
- Insect Infestations in Buried Foam, Journal Light Construction. 1998.
- Ice dam Remediation for Northeast Ski-Area Condominiums. Presented at: Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings VII; Orlando, FL. (HCF).
- Ice Dams: Curing the Curse of Midwinter; Journal of Light Construction, 1997.
- Looking for the Truth about Termites, Pieter VanderWerf, Energy Design Update.
- Low-Risk Pest Control: Termites and Their Management, William Currie & John Gingrich – Informed Consent. 1994.
- Necessary Insulation to Prevent Melting at the base of a snowpack, Dept of the Army-CRREL.
- Northeast Electric Bus Demonstration Project: Cabin Thermal Management. Presented at SAE International Truck and Bus Meeting and Exposition; Indianapolis, IN.
- Protection from Carpenter Ants, Winter Panel Corp.
- Sizing attic ventilation to prevent ice dams. Tobiasson, Wayne, James Buska and Alan Greatorex Journal of Light Construction. 1996.
- Snow loads on gable roofs. Tobiasson, Wayne. Discussion. Journal of Structural Engineering.1999.
- Some thoughts on snow loads. Information Letter, The Roofing Industry Educational Institute. Tobiasson, Wayne. 1995.
- Termite Prevention Not Hopeless, Mike Tobin – The Journal of Light Construction.
- Termites and their Management, Part Three: Prevention and Control Currie, William E. & Gingrich, John B. PhD – Informed Consent. 1994.
- Ventilating attics to minimize icings at eaves. Home Energy, Tobiasson, Wayne, Buska, James, Greatorex, Alan. 1995.
- Ventilating cathedral ceilings to prevent problematic icings at their eaves. Tobiasson, Wayne, Thomas Tantillo and James Buska. In Proceedings, North American Conference on Roofing Technology. 1999.
6. Products and systems
- Air Leakage Tests on Polyethylene Membrane Installed in a Wood
- Builders’ Field Guides by Lstiburek, J. Westford, MA: Building Science Corp., 2001.
- Building Envelope Design Guide: Wall Systems, Cast-in-Place
- Concrete Wall Systems, Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS), Masonry Wall Systems, Panelized Metal Wall Systems, Precast Concrete Wall Systems, Thin Stone Wall Systems, Air Barrier Association of America.
- Control of Air Leakage is Important by Garden, G. K., CBD 72, NRC, 1965.
- Energy Impacts of Infiltration and Ventilation in U.S. Office Buildings Using Multi-zone Airflow Simulation by Emmerich, S.J. and Persily, A.K.—A paper delivered at the ASHRAE IAQ and Energy Conference, 1998.
- Floors, Foundations, and Basements, La Presse.
- Foam- Core Panel versus Stud-Frame Construction; Side-by-Side Test Results, EDU. 1993.
- Frame Wall by Shaw, C.Y. NRC, 1985.
- Insulation Contractors in Crisis Over Fiberglass Batt Shortage, Rising Prices, Energy Design Update. 1998.
- Insulation Materials: Environmental Comparisons, EBN Vol. 4. 1995.
- Insulation Options for Metal Buildings. Fittro, Bob. Metal Architecture Magazine.
- Insulation Systems – Systems Compared, House Building Magazine. 1995.
- Introducing In-Sulate, A Revolutionary One-Step Insulated Drywall, Walls and Ceilings.
- Investigation of the Performance of Gypsum Sheathing, CHIC – Research Highlights.
- Modular Housing: Good, but Not Quite Perfect. Steve Snyder, Energy Design Update.
- More Caution on Wet-Spray Cellulose Insulation, Energy Design Update. 1989.
- More Data on Shingle Overheating with Unvented Roofs, Energy Design Update. 1991.
- New IBACOS House Test Vent-Free attic in Cold Climate, Foster, Richard Jr. – Energy Design Update.
- NIBS/BETEC/DOE/ORNL Spring Symposium: Air Barrier Solutions by Pollock. 2001.
- On Building Scientists’ Recommendations for Unvented Roofs, Leger, Gene – Energy Design Update. 1994.
- Optimum Vent Locations for Partially- Pressurized Rainscreens, CHIC.
- Ordinary Paint as Replacement for Poly Vapor Retarder, Energy Design Update. 1994.
- Owens Corning to Sell Structural Insulated Panels, Energy Design Update.
- Panelized Building: Doomed to Niche Status? Energy Design Update. 1997.
- Polyurethane Handbook 2nd Edition, Gunter Oertel.
- Residential/Commercial Roofing Products 1999, Atlas Roofing Corporation.
- Stack Effect in Buildings by Wilson, A.G. and Tamura, G.T. CBD 104, 1968.
- Testing Rainscreen Wall and Window Systems: The Cavity Excitation Method, CMHC Research Highlights.
- The Air Permeance of Building Materials by Bombaru, Jutras, and Patenaude. CMHC, 1988.
- The Airtight House: Using the Airtight Drywall Approach by Lischkoff, J. and Lstiburek, J. 1986.
- The Difference Between an Air Barrier and a Vapor Barrier by Quirouette, R. NRC, 1985.
- The Dubious Benefits of Foam-Filled Vinyl Windows, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- The Impact of Airtightness on System Design, Anis, W. ASHRAE Journal, 2001.
- The Many Uses of A. Rustgo, Nelson King, Inc. – Walls and Ceilings 1995.
- The Rainscreen Wall: A Commissioning Protocol, CHIC.
- The Super-Efficient House, Scott Blouin – New England Division – Applied Research Association.
- The Use of House-wrap in Walls: Installation Performance and Implications by Bosack, E.J. and Burnett, E.F.P. PHRC, 1998.
- The Zero-Cavity and DPV Wall Project, CHIC – Research Highlights, The U.S. Green Building Council, Environmental Design & Construction. 1999.
- Truss System Makes Thick Insulation Possible, Fine Homebuilding. 1994.
- Tuff-R Sheathing Evaluation, BOCA Evaluation Service.
- Two New Paper-Core Heat Recovery Ventilators, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- Two-Part Foam Claims High Performance (Corbond), JLC. 1997.
- US Codes Adopt Effective Ban on Cellulose Attic Insulation, Energy Design Update. 1995.
- Using Steel to Rehab Old Masonry Walls, Energy Design Update. 1998.
- Vapor Barriers for Urethane Insulated Walls (EDU).
- Vented Rainscreen Walls – Two New Products, Kevin Kelly – Energy Design Update.
- Wind on Buildings by Dalgliesh, W.A. and Boyd, D.W. CBD 28, NRC, 1962.
- Wind Pressure on Buildings by Dalgliesh, W.A. and Schriever, W.R. CBD 34, NRC, 1962.
- Windows Don’t Manufacture Water, Harvey Industries.
7. Science & Technology – Building Ventilation
- Attic and Closed Roof Slope Ventilation Design. (HCF white paper). 2002.
- Problems with Vented Cathedral Ceilings, Energy Design Update. 1992.
- Trouble-Free Cathedral Ceilings, Harrington, Richard – Energy Design Update.
- Unvented Cathedral Ceiling Construction, Manual on Moisture Control.
- Unventilated Roof Information, Journal of Light Construction.
8. Science & Technology – Conduction
- A Sober Look at Attic R-Value in Hot Climates, EDU. 1993.
- Building Science for a Cold Climate by Hutcheon, N. and Handegord, G.O.P. National Research Council of Canada, 1983.
- Design Heat Transmission Coefficients: ASHREA Handbook. 1981.
- Effective “R”, Marc Rosenbaum, Energysmiths.
- Effects of Time and Temperature on Thermal Conditions of Plastic Foam Insulation Materials. The Society of Plastics Industry.
- Heat Loss from Steel Studs. New England Edition Article. Journal of Light Construction. Performance of Thermal Insulation on the Exterior of Basement Walls. M.C. Swinton, M.T., Bomberg, M.K. Normandin, W. Maref – NRC/CNRC.
- Improving Metal Stud Wall Thermal Resistance, Center for Insulation Technology, Drexel Univ.1995.
- Insulation Materials: Environmental Comparisons. Environmental Building News.1995.
- Insulation System Receives High Ratings, Walls and Ceilings.
- Is an R-19 Wall Really R-19?, Home Energy. 1995.
- Loose Fill Glass Fibre Insulation; R-Value divided by 2?, Spray News. 1994.
- Measurement of Attic Temperature and Cooling Energy Use In Vented and Sealed Attics, Armin F. Rudd, Joseph Lstiburek, and Neil Moyer – EEBA Excellence.
- Metal-Therm U-Value Calculator for Metal Buildings, Steve Winter Associates.
- New Government Insulation Recommendations, U.S. Department of Energy.
- Radiant Barriers, Bliss, Steve.
- R-Value Calculation by Parallel Path, Rosenbaum – Energysmiths Zero Cavity and DPV Wall Project, CHIC – Research Highlights.
- R-Value Comparisons – impermeable facers vs. permeable facers. Celotex Corp.
- R-Value Drift and Thermal Performance – Theory (DOE/HCF).
- Simplified Tool to Determine the R-Value of Steel-Framed Walls, EDU. 1995.
- Steel Studs: Thermal Performance, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- Steel-Framing “Correction” Table Proposed for Residential Energy Standard, Energy Design Update. 1994.
- System R-Values – Data for Insulation Including the Framing (HCF).
- Wall Framing Affects R-Value, Energy Source Builder, Iris Communications, Energy Source Builder.
9. Science & Technology – Convection
- A Study of Mean Pressure Gradients, Mean Cavity Pressures, and Resulting Residual Mean Pressures, CHIC.
- Air and Moisture Leakage through Recessed Ceiling Light Fixtures, Bennett, Susan & Perez-Blanco, Horacio. Energy Design Update. 1994.
- Air Barrier Details I & II, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Air Infiltration …the biggest energy thief in most homes today! The Society of the Plastics Industry.
- Air Infiltration Control – The #1 Energy Issue of the 90’s, Society of the Plastics Industry.
- Air Leakage Control by Lux, M.E., and Brown, W.C. NRC, 1986.
- Air Leakage Control Retrofits for Wall Assemblies, Anil Parekh. Air Leakage Characteristics of Various Rough-opening – Sealing Methods for Windows and Doors. G. Proskiw.
- Air Leakage in Buildings by Wilson, A.G. CBD 23, NRC, 1961.
- Air Permeance of Building Materials CMHC. CMHC Research Highlights Newsletter.What’s Behind the Barriers – Air and Vapour?, Reynolds, Tony.
- Air Permeance of Building Materials, CMH Research Highlights.
- Airtightness Tests on Components Used to Join Different or Similar Materials of the Building, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Airtightness, air movement and indoor air quality in high rise buildings, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- An End to Exfiltration, Michael Vinkler & Dick Blessing, Walls & Ceilings.
- Creating an Air-Tight Building Envelope, Thuendle, Randy.
- Field Investigation into airtightness, air movement and quality of air in medium-sized residential, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Insulation Type Has Little Effect On Air Infiltration, Yuill, Dr. Gren – Energy Design Update. 1997.
- Performance Criteria for Air Barriers , Bailey, David W. P. Eng. & Hildebrand, Greg A. P. – Construction Canada.
- The Effects of “Minor” Installation Defects on Batt Thermal Performance, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- The Effects of Nails on the Performance of Foam Sheathing, Energy Design Update. 1993.
10. Science & Technology – Moisture control
- A Guide to Understanding Condensation, Anderson Corporation.
- Condensation on Ceiling, The Journal of Light Construction.
- Contract Documents and Moisture Control. Richard Mundle, Moisture Control in Buildings.
- Controlling Moisture in Walls. Lstiburek, Joseph – Custom Builder. 1992.
- Curing Crawlspace Moisture problems, Ferree, Howard – The Journal of Light Construction.
- Draining vs. Drying, Thomas, Robert – Walls & Ceilings.
- Drying Time of Wet-Spray Cellulose, Energy Design Update. 1988.
- Effect of Wet-Spray Cellulose on Walls, Energy Design Update. 1989.
- EIFs Wall Weathers 75-MPH, Wet Spray Test with No Walls, Energy Design Update.
- How to Avoid Moisture Problems. Journal of Energy Efficient Building Association. 1998.
- Manual on Moisture Control in Buildings.
- Controlling Moisture in Walls. Lstiburek, Joseph. 1992.
- Missing Vapor Barrier, Custom Builder Custom Builder.
- Moisture Control for New Residential Buildings, Lstiburek, Joseph & Carmody, John.
- Moisture Control Handbook, Lstiburek, Joseph, Cutter Information Corp.
- Moisture Control Handbook. Rose, William.
- Moisture Control in Attics: New Remediation Ideas Shift Focus from Ventilation to Vapor Reduction, Burns, Bob PE – Community Advisor.
- Moisture Control in Buildings, Trechsel.
- Moisture Controls for New Residential Buildings – Manual On Moisture Control In Buildings. Rose, William.
- Moisture Gain and its Thermal Consequence for Common Roof Insulation, Tobiasson – U.S. Army Corp Moisture in Foundation Insulation, Energy Design Update. 1989.
- Moisture in Historic Buildings and Preservation Guidance, Park, Sharon.
- Moisture in the roofs of cold storage buildings. Tobiasson, Wayne, and Alan Greatorex. 1998.
- Moisture Vapor Transmission and its Effect on Thermal Efficiency of Foam Plastics, Marshall Levy, 1993.
- Moisture Vapor Transmission, Polyurethane Contractors Division, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., 1991.
- On Code-Induced Moisture Problems and Confusion over ‘Stabilized’ Cellulose Attic Ins ulation, Walsh, Frank, Energy Design Update. 1994.
- The Effect of Foil-faced Foam Sheathing on Wall Moisture, Energy Design Update.
- Thermal Insulation and Water Vapor Retarders, ASHRAE Handbook – 1981 Fundamentals.
- Vapor Barriers for Urethane Insulated Walls, Energy Design Update.
- Vapor Barriers vs. Retarders, Brown, Craig – Journal of Light Construction.
- Vapor Retarder Performance in Walls, Energy Design Update. 1989.
- Wall Construction in Heating Climates, Moisture Control Handbook.
- Wall Moisture Study Wrap-Up – Foam Sheathing, Vapor Retarders, Wood Siding, and More. Tsongas, George – Energy Design Update. 1994.
- Water Vapor Transmission through Building Materials and Systems, Trechsel/Bomberg.
- What’s Behind the Barriers – Air and Vapour?, Tony Reynolds -Today’s Building.
- Why Houses Get Wet and How to Solve the Problem. Jim H. White – EEBA Excellence.
- Wood-Frame Roofs and Moisture, Tobiasson, Wayne – Custom Builder. 1988.
11. Science & Technology – People ventilation & IAQ
- AMA Journal finds no evidence of toxicity from polyurethane foam insulation in homes, Urethane Foam Insulation, UFI.
- Are You Still Holding Your Breath, National Safety Council. American Environmental Health Foundation – Catalog of Products, AEHF.
- Asbestos; What the Law Says, Pogrund, Sherwin I. – Qualified Remodeler. 1994.
- ASHRAE Deeply Divided over Residential Ventilation Standards 62.2P, Energy Design Update.
- Clearing the Air – Home Newsfront, Popular Science. 1993.
- Clearing the Air, DiChristina, Mariette – Popular Science. 1993.
- Current Residential Ventilation Practices in Europe, Energy Design Update.1989.
- Healthy Airs, AMA, HCF.
- Healthy Vermonters 2000 Indoor Air: Air Quality in Homes, Vermont Department of Health.
- Healthy Vermonters 2000 Indoor Air: Formaldehyde, Vermont Department of Health.
- Healthy Vermonters 2000 Indoor Air: Schools, Vermont Department of Health.
- Healthy Vermonters 2000, Indoor Air: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), Vermont Department of Health, Division of Health.
- Household Hazardous Products…..deserve your attention, Vermont Household Hazardous Products Reduction Program.
- Improve IAQ: What We Have Learned To Date. William A. Turner M.S., P.E.
- Indoor Air Pollution Fact Sheet-Formaldehyde, American Lung Association, National Indoor Environmental Institute.
- Indoor Air Quality OSHA.
- Insulation Peril? Health Studies Suggest Asbestos Substitutes Also Pose Cancer Risk, Wall Street Journal. 1987.
- Is Your Home Making you Sick? – Major Indoor Air Pollutants, American Lung Association.
- Lead Poisoning and Your Children, US EPA.
- Managing Risk in the Indoor Environment, Carlton Vogt, et al –
- Mysterious Illness Hits Upstate School, Williams, Lena – New York Times. 1985.
- Questions Parents Ask About Lead Poisoning, US EPA.
- Radon Reduction in New Construction-An Interim Guide, US EPA. 1987.
- Radon Researchers Seek Builders, JLC.
- Recommended Ventilation Strategies for Energy- Efficient Production Homes, CHIC – Research Highlights.
- Reducing Radon Risks, US EPA. 1992.
- Residential Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency, Peter du Pont and John Morrill – American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
- The 1992 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology Cutter Information Corp.
- The Healthy House – A Workshop, Builders for Social Responsibility. The Healthy House, Builders for Social Responsibility. New Horizons in Chemical Sensitivities: State of the Art Diagnosis and Treatment, American Academy of Environmental Medicine.
- The Healthy Workplace, William Maclay Architects & Planners – Frameworks. 1993.
- The Inside Story – A Guide to Indoor Air Quality, US EPA/USCPSC. 1988.
- Toxicology of Home Insulating Foams, Harris , John – Journal of the American Medical Association. 1981.
- Toxicology of Urea Formaldehyde and Polyurethane Foam Insulation , Harris, John C. MD; Rumack, Barry H. MD; Aldrich, F. – Journal of the American Medical Association. 1981.
- Ventilate… and breathe the comfort, vanEE.
- Ventilation: “Tight” Buildings Need Ventilation, Vermont Builder/Architect. 1989.
12. Science & Technology – Sound Control
- Flanking Sound Transmission in Wood Framed Construction, CHIC-Research Highlights Technical Series.
- Noise Isolation Provided by Access Doors in Multi-Dwelling Buildings, CHIC – Research Highlights Technical Series.
- Noise Isolation Provided by Windows in Residential Projects, CHIC – Research Highlights Technical Series 98-120.
- Noise Reducing Barriers. (HCF) 2008.
- Seal of Approval for Acoustic Ceiling Systems. Steven Ferry, Construction Dimensions. 1999.
- Sound Absorption Measurement Test of Sealection 500, Demilec.
- Sound Absorption Properties, Preferred Foam Products.
- Sound Transmission Through Floors, CHIC – Research Highlights Technical Series.
- Wall and Ceiling Construction for Good Sound. Jon Mooney. Walls and Ceilings. 1998.
13. Miscellaneous
- 1989 Fundamentals Handbook, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
- 2×6 Walls with Wood Sheathings Do Not Give You an R-19 Wall, Celotex. 1993-1994 Catalog.
- A Builders Guide on Dry Climates, Energy Design Update.
- A CUFCA case history of polyurethane foam insulation systems, Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association, Inc.
- A Stucco Issue, Charlee Wardell, Popular Science.
- A Study of the Rainscreen Concept Applied to Cladding Systems on Wood Frame Walls, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- All Rigid Urethane Insulations are Created Equal…or are They?, The Roofing Spec.1982.
- An Assessment of the Thermal Performance of Rigid Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Foam Insulations, The Society of Plastics Industry.
- Analysis of the Hygrothermal Behaviour of Residential High-Rise Building Components, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Application of Asphalt Shingles over Insulation or Insulated Decks. Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association, Technical Bulletin.
- Approval Testing of Thermax Sheathing with Reduced Glass Content. Jim Walter Research Corp., Factory Mutual Research.
- Asphalt Shingles and Vent-Free Attics Don’t Mix Well in Hot Climates, Energy Design Update. 1997.
- Assessment Repair Strategies for Existing Buildings Constructed with Masonry Veneer Steel Stud Walls, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Athena Sustainable Materials Institute- Report List & Order Information, Athena Sustainable Materials Institute.
- Automatic Ball Valve Gun, Eastern Foam Systems, Inc.
- Backdrafting: Defusing a potential problem. Tim Lenahan. Office of Energy & Community Services.
- Bianchii and Your Energy Code Certificate – The Importance of Filing, Energy Code Assistance Center Update.
- Blind Rivets and Installation Tools. Cherry Division of Textron, Lundey Sales, Inc.
- Breathing Easy with EIFS, Thomas, Robert – Walls and Ceilings.
- BSR-Building For Life, Builders for Social Responsibility.
- Build Comfortable, Energy-Efficient Homes by Taking Control, Energy Star Homes Update.
- Builders Guide, The Building Science Corporation.
- Building Envelope Performance Laboratory, Center for Building Studies – Concordia University.
- Building Materials Pose Complex Hazards, Alliance of American Insurers – Custom Builder. 1989.
- Building Scientists Endorse EIFS with Drainage, But Important Questions Remain Unanswered, Energy Design Update. 1997.
- Calculations of the Effective R-Values of Walls and Roofs, Incl. Framing, and Air Gaps Effective R, Rosenbaum, Marc.
- Carbonation in Canadian Buildings. Housing Research at CMHC, Research Highlights.
- Catalog of Products, American Environmental Health Foundation, Inc. 1993.
- Catalog of Products, The American Environmental Health Foundation, Inc. 1993.
- Computer Simulations Look Good for “Cathedralized” Attics, Energy Design Update. 1998.
- Consider Using a Coverboard on That New Roof, John Snell & Associates, Inc. – Think Thermally.
- Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
- Cure the Common Callback, Vermont Star Homes.
- Deceptive Labeling and Installation Plague Blown-In Fiberglass Jobs, Energy Design Update.
- Degradation of Wood Stud Wall Sound Insulation by Electrical Outlets, CHIC – Research Highlights.
- Design and Construction Tips; volume 2 – Trouble-Free Cathedral Ceilings, J.D. Ned Nisson – Energy Design Update.
- Does Wood Siding Need an Air space Behind It?, Joe Lstiburek – Journal of Light Construction.
- Dow Moves to Eliminate CFCs at Plants, Circle Reader Service. 1989.
- Energy Conservation Retrofits: After the Fact, (HCF).
- Evaluation of Long-Term Thermal Performance of Cellular Plastics, PSI R-Value Study – Spray Foam. 1993.
- Exterior Insulation Finish Systems – Laboratory Evaluation of Material and Joints, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Factors Affecting the Field Performance of Spray Applied Thermal Insulating Foams, Bomberg & Alumbaugh.
- Fasteners, Adhesives, and Sealants, Construction Dimensions.
- Fiberglass Woes, Planetary Solutions #5.
- Filling the Insulation Gap, Walls and Ceilings.
- FPFS- Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations (Insulated Footing), Dick Morris – Internet:
- Fresh-X-Changer: Commercial Installations, United Air Specialists, Air Cleaning Specialists, Inc.
- General Considerations for Roofs, Tobiasson,Wayne.
- Getting the Most for Your Insulation Dollar. Pat Dundon, JLC. 1996.
- GFX Heat Exchanger Waste Heat Recovery System, Vaughn Manufacturing Operation.
- Good Machines for Bad Allergies, McCafferty, Phil & Frtiz, Sandy, Popular Science. 1994.
- Guide for the Safe Handling and Use of Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate Foam Systems, Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Guide To Energy Efficient Office Equipment, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.
- Heat and Moisture Performance in Attics and Cathedral Ceilings, Rose, William B. – Wood Design Focus Winter. 1994.
- Heat Flow through Panels Containing Metal: ASHRAE Fundamentals. 1977.
- Heating System Installation & Indoor Air Quality, Lehahan, Tim – Office of Energy and Community Services.
- Home Energy Raters Play Key Role In Implementing California’s New Energy Code, Energy Design Update.
- Home Repairs and Renovations: What You Should Know About Lead-Based Paint, US EPA.
- Homeowner’s guide to Ventilation, NY State Energy Research and Development Authority
- Household Appliance Noise in Multi-Unit Buildings, CHIC – Research Highlights.
- How Air Behaves in a Duct System, Efficiency Today.
- Implications of Adopting the National Energy Code for Housing in Ontario, CMHC – Research Highlights.
- Improving Energy Efficiency in Apartment Buildings, DeCicco, John – American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
- Increasing Property Value Through Efficient Energy, Roger Hill – Environmental Design & Construction. 1999.
- Indicators for Measuring Safety Procedures, Jim Lucker – Construction Dimensions.
- Installing a Heat-Recovery Ventilator, Hansen, David – The Journal of Light Construction.
- Is Fiberglass Insulation Safe? Home Energy Magazine vol. 5 #2.
- Laboratory Investigation and Field Monitoring of Pressure-Equalized Rainscreen Walls, CHIC.
- LBNL Tests Confirm the Awful Truth About Duct Tape, Energy Design Update.
- Market Transformation Strategies to Promote End-Use Efficiency, Howard Geller and Steven Nadel, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.
- Performance Evaluation of water Repellents for Above-Grade Masonry, Canadian Housing Info Center Research Highlights.
- Profiting from Quality: Building for Comfort, Efficiency and Value, Vermont Star Homes Building Conference.
- Pulte Homes, Other Builders Adopt Vent-Free Attics, Energy Design Update. 1997.
- Radiant-Floor Heating: When it does-and doesn’t- make sense, Alex Wilson – Environmental Building News.
- Reducing Heat Loss from Steel Studs, Sullivan, Bruce. JLC. 1995.
- Rock Concerts, Acoustics and Hearing Loss Jon Mooney, Walls and Ceilings. 1999.
- Rodale Product Testing Report – Insulation Materials, Rodale Press.
- Roof Venting: How Much Is Enough?, Ted Cushman – JLC Journal of Light Construction. 1996.
- Ross Interfacial Surface Generator Motionless, Continuous Mixer Arnold Treff/Charles Ross & Son Company, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
- RPA Guidelines Will Assess Effects of Radiant Floor Heating on Construction Materials, Fantauzzi, John.
- Sauter E1200 Multi-scale Indicator, Mettler Instrument Corporation.
- Save Energy and $ with SPF, Knowles, Mason – Demilec: R-Value.
- School and Public Construction Especially Strong; Office Vacancy at 15- yr. Low William D. Toal – Construction Dimensions.
- Seal Your House before Re-Insulating Saskatchewan Science Council.
- Sealing and Wet-Spray Insulation, Robert A. Sullivan – Home Energy. 1997.
- Search Intensifies for Alternatives to Ozone-Depleting Halocarbons, Pamela Zurer – C&ENC& EN. 1988.
- Shingle Application and Insulated Roof Decks , The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association.
- Should Exterior Foam Sheathing Be Installed Airtight?, Energy Design Update.
- Side-by-Side Tests of Modular Offices, Judkoff & Balcomb – National Renewable Energy Lab.
- The Airtight Urethane Approach, Energy Design Update. 1985.
- The American Environmental Health Foundation (brochure), AEHF.
- The Berkshire Sun King (O Energy), Bakke, Timothy – Home Mechanics. 1991.
- The Hidden Beauty of Crawlspace Construction, EDU. 1999.
- The Man Who Knew Too Much, Edward Edelson – Popular Science. 1989.
- The Residential Building Design & Construction Workbook-2nd Edition , Cutter Information Corp.
- Trends in Single Family Homes: More space, more rooms and more amenities, Sandy Portnoy – Picket Fence Preview.
- What We Do and How We Pass It On, Rousseau, Madeleine Z., Construction Canada. 1989.
13. Reference Organizations
- Building Envelope Councils (BEC): The BECs are charged with providing a forum for the construction industry on the crucial area of building enclosures.
- International Code Council –
- International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) – http://www.icc-es
- National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS): This site is the building community’s connection to the authoritative national source of knowledge and advice on matters of building regulation, science and technology.
- Occupational Safety and Health Assoc. (OSHA)
- The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- –
- 1-800-CDC-INFO
- The US Environmental Protection Agency
- EPA Isocyanate Profile:
- EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) for MDI and pMDI can be found at