Following are lists of references organized generally by topic. Please note that my articles and papers are listed with HCF as the author.
Topic Groups
- Foam – Applications
- Foam – Basics
- Foam – Blowing agents
- Foam – Codes & Documents
- Foam – Design
- Foam – Equipment & QA
- Foam – Installer Training
- Foam – Physical properties
- Foam Safety – Fire Protection
- Foam Safety – General
- Foam Safety – Personal protection, chemicals
- Foam Safety – Site protection
- Reference organizations list
- Case studies list
Resources and References
1. Foam – Applications
- The Use of Polyurethane Foam Technology in Historic Renovation & Remediation Work; Presented at: Materials & Media 1 – Restoration and Renovation Conference. National Trust for Historic Preservation, AIA/CES. (HCF).
- Foam installations for mass-masonry or masonry-clad structures; Presented at: Building America experts conference, BEST 3 Conference, Atlanta, GA. (Proceeds HCF). 2009.
- Masonry applications for polyurethane foam (HCF).
- Polyurethane foam thermal envelope system applicable to an “inside-out” brick cavity wall remediation project; 2007 (HCF).
Foam & Passivhaus
- Spray Polyurethane Foam: Benefits for Passive Houses; ACC Center for the Polyurethanes Industry. 2012.
2. Foam – Basics
- 2008 End Use Market Survey on the Polyurethanes Industry in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, ACC Center for the Polyurethanes Industry, 2009.
- A CUFCA case history of polyurethane foam insulation systems. Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association Inc.
- All Rigid Urethane Insulations Are Created Equal…or Are They? Toby Nadel. 1982.
- Ant Remedies, Kricket Smith-Gary.
- Bugs in Foam, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- Carpenter Ants and Foam-Core Panels, Journal of Light Construction. 1989.
- Carpenter Ants: Their Biology and Control. Cooperative Extension-Washington State University, Winter Panel Corp.
- Controlling Termites, Journal Light Construction.1997.
- Infrared thermography as quality control for foamed-in-place insulation . Co-author – Presented at: Thermosense XI, International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense (SPIE); As Printed in SPIE Vol. 1094 Thermosense XI. 1989.
- Introduction to Foamed-in-place Applications: Spray/injection training program and guide to other foam applications (HCF).
- Polyurethane Foam FAQs (HCF).
- Polyurethane Handbook – 2nd Edition. Gunter Oertel.
- Polyurethanes – Types & Installation Considerations; (HCF white paper) 2007.
- Quality Spray Foam for Builders; Journal of Light Construction. (HCF) 2012.
- Spray Applied Polyurethane Foam Perimeter Insulation and Air Filtration Seal, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Spray Polyurethane Foam for Building Envelope Insulation and Air Seal, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. 1991.
- Spray Polyurethane foam for building envelope insulation; SPI. 1991.
- Spray Polyurethane Foam in External Envelopes of Buildings; Lstiburek, Bomberg. 1998.
- Spray Polyurethane Foam Systems for Cold Storage Facilities, Polyurethane Foam Contractors.
- Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Cold Storage Construction, Pazia, Arthur – Construction Canada.
- Sprayed Urethane Foam and Fire Safety, Urethane Foam Contractors Assoc.
- Spray-on Insulation Benefits, McClain, Dennis.
3. Foam – Blowing agents
- A Zero O.D.P. Option for Rigid Polyurethane Foam, Rosbotham & Deschaght.
- CFC – Free Foam Insulation, EBN vol. 4 #1.
- Declare War on Chloroflourocarbons, Flexible Products.
- Final Labeling Requirements Released by EPA, Alliance for Responsible CFC Policy – CFC Alliance Bulletin. 1993.
- Flexible Focuses R&D on Non-CFC Technology, Flexible Products Company. 1991.
- Freon as a Blowing Agent (HCF).
- Gases, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
- Hydrocarbon Blown Foams for U.S. Construction Applications, Nikola, William. Manville Sheathing is First Victim of CFC Ban, Energy Design Update. 1992.
- Meeting with EPA and DOE Re: Blowing Agents, Sparks, Tom – SPFD News.
- Ozone Friendly Cooling, Popular Science. 1990.
- Ozone Savers, Popular Science. 1988.
- Provisions of Vermont Statutes Annotated Relating to the Control and Elimination of Ozone Depleting Gases, Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.
- Refrigerator Makers Face CFC Dilemma, Alex Wilson – Custom Builder.
- Restrict CFCs In Production But Don’t Regulate Their Use, Hallett, Frederick – Eastern Foam Systems.
- Restrict CFCs In Production But Don’t Regulate Their Use, Hallett, Frederick – Eastern Foam Systems.
- Stratospheric Ozone: Protection, The Federal Register – EPA.
- Stratospheric Ozone: The Problem, Sen. Chafee – EPA Journal.
- Sun, Not Chemicals Linked to Disappearance of Ozone, Associated Press.
- The Importance of Chloroflourocarbons and Polyurethane Foam, The Society of Plastics.
- Update on the CFC Issue, Cockrell – Society of Plastics.
- Vermont Act 266 – Regulating the Use of Ozone Depleting Chemicals, General Assembly – State of Vermont.
- What Do Freon Labels Mean? (HCF)
4. Foam – Codes & Documents
- Act 250 and the Energy Code, Energy Code Assistance Update.
- Code Compliance Responsibility Study – DRAFT; 2012 (HCF)
- Foam and the Codes Citations Matrix; 2012 (HCF)
- Thermal Barriers for the Spray Polyurethane Foam Industry, Polyurethane Foam Contractors Division, SPI.
- International Building Code; 2012
- International Energy Conservation Code; 2012
- International Residential Code; 2012
- PSI Code Approvals Document.
- Submittals Checklist Forms; 2012 (HCF).
- The BOCA National Building Code. 1990.
- Vermont Residential Energy Building Standard.
- Vermont Residential Energy Code Handbook, Edition E-1.0. March 1998. pp. 54-55
- Vermont to Require Mechanical Ventilation in All New Homes (EDU)
5. Foam – Design
- Air Barrier Details (CMHC SCHL – Research Highlights Newsletter)
- Air Barrier Systems in Buildings, National Institute of Building Sciences, Wagdy Anis, AIA. 2006
- Air Leakage Characteristics, Test Methods and Specifications for Large Buildings by Proskiw, G. and Phillips, B.—Prepared for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2001.
- ASHRAE Mulls Continuous Air Barriers, Yoders, Jeff. Building Design and Construction, 2006.
- Criteria for Qualifying Foam Products (HCF).Designing an Air Barrier Specification; (HCF white paper) 2005.
- Energy Performance Comparisons for Six Wall Types -20’ X 30’ Model Building. (HCF).
- Energy Performance of LEED® for New Construction Buildings, FINAL REPORT, New Buildings Institute. 2008.
- Exterior Spray Foam? Patrick Dundon. The Journal of Light Construction.
- Low-Cost High-Performance Buildings. Energy Design Update (HCF).
- Performance Criteria for Air Barriers – Construction Canada Magazine. Bailey, David W. P. Eng. & Hildebrand, Greg A. P.
- Plastics for Architects and Builders, Albert G.H. Dietz.
- Profiting from Quality: Building for Comfort, Efficiency and Value. Vermont Energy Star Homes Building Conference.
- Proprietary vs. performance specifications. (HCF white paper) 2011.
- SECTION 07210; Sample Spray-applied Polyurethane Foam Specification (HCF).
- SECTION 07211; Sample Injected Polyurethane Foam Specification (HCF).
- SECTION 07220; Sample Air Barrier Specification (HCF).
- The Cost Reduction Protocol (CRP) for High-Performance Building Envelopes (HCF).
- The Passive Solar Energy Book. Mazria, Edward. 1979.
- Thermal Envelope Performance Design Review Process for New Construction. (HCF white paper) 2004.
6. Foam – Equipment & QA
- Process and Quality Control Procedures for FOAM-TECH H-P Equipment (HCF).
- Spray/injection training program and guide to other foam applications (HCF).
- Pressure Drop Curves for Ross Motionless Mixers under Various Flow Conditions Charles Ross & Son Company.
7. Foam – Installer Training
- ABAA Quality Assurance Program. ABAA, PSDI.
- Air quality management plan for hazardous work zones which may influence occupied spaces; 2006 (HCF).
- BES Project Management Manual.
- BES Standard Operating Procedures Manual.
- BPI Building Analyst Training Manual.
- Builder’s Guide. Building Science Corp. 1998.
- Cut Your Energy Bills Now. Harley, Bruce.
- Foam Installer Written Safety Plan (HCF).
- Hose Heat Control Systems for PUF, Henri, Fennell.
- Instant Insulation Estimates, Bodzin, Steven – Home Energy.
- Insulate and Weatherize. Harley, Bruce.
- Klean King Power-Vac Systems Wm. W. Meyer & Sons, Inc.
- Model FF Proportioner, Blue Ridge Equipment Sales.
- NHERS Manual.
- Northeast Weatherization Field Guide; B55.DOE, WAP.
- Procedure in Case of Spill, Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association Inc.
- Process and Quality Control Procedures for Foamed-in-place Equipment, Fennell, Henri.
- Residential Energy. Krigger, Dorsi.
- Sample Foam Installation Contract
- Shooting Foam for the best quality and smoothest appearance. Colt, Pat.
- The Problem with Competitive Bid, S.S. Saucerman – Construction Dimensions.
- WAP Technical Manual
- What Every Installer Should Know about the Thermal Resistance of SPF, Bomberg, Mark – Spray news – PFCD News. 1995.
8. Foam – Physical properties
- Energy Star R-Value Chart. The Society of the Plastics Industry.
- Evaluation of Long-Term Thermal Resistance of Gas-Filled Foams: State of the Art, Bomberg & Brandeth, PSI R-Value Study.
- Foam Insulation Aging: Historical Perspective and Outstanding Problems, PSI R-Value Study-Spray Foam 1993.
- Foam Racking Study, Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Foam-Core Panel Versus Stud-Frame Construction: Side by side test results, Energy Design Update. 1993.
- Independent Findings on Aging of Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation and Protective Surfaces, Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Let’s Get Rid of R-Values, Patrick Dundon – Energy Design Update.
- Long-Term R-Values and Thermal Testing Requirements for Rigid Insulating Foams, Hagan & Miller – Spray Foam ’93.
- Long-Term R-Values and Thermal Testing Requirements for Rigid Insulating Foams. Hagan & Miller.
- Physical Properties & Typical Values. Reef Industries, Inc.
- Properties of Rigid Urethane Foams, Dupont.
- R-Value Drift and Thermal Performance – Theory (DOE/HCF white paper) 2003.
- R-Value Study of Rigid Polyurethane Foam – An SPI Research Project, Baumann – Mobay Chemical Corporation.
- System R-Values – Data for Insulation Including the Framing (HCF).
- Technical Assessment of Foam-in-Place Cellular Plastics for Building Envelope Applications, PSI R-Value Study – Spray Foam ’93.
- Technical Issues in Evaluation of Long-Term Thermal Performance of Cellular Plastic Thermal Insulation, Mark Bomberg – Canadian Polyurethane Conference.
- The Physical Properties of Insulation Systems (HCF).
- Thermal Conductivity of Rigid Urethane Foam in Low Temperature Service, PSI R-Value Study – Spray Foam ’93.
- Thermal Performance of Urethane Foams (HCF).
9. Foam Safety – Fire protection
- Acceptance Criteria For Spray-Applied Foam Plastic Insulation (AC377); 2011 –
- Building Code Requirements for SPF Fire Safety – Safety First section of Spray Foam Magazine. John Stahl. 2010.
- Coatings and Codes, Jarboe, Rodney – Walls and Ceilings. 1999.
- Comparison Study of the Toxicity of Combustion Products of Thermolin RF-230 Urethane vs. isocyanurate, Olin Chemicals.
- Denny Flame Guard – Specifications, Denny.
- Fire Devours Families’ Homes, Geggis, Anne – Burlington Free Press.
- Fire Performance of Combustible Insulation , Mehaffey – National Research Council Canada.
- Fire Protection Board, Construction Dimensions.
- Fire Safety Guidelines for rigid polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam, The Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Fire Safety Guidelines for Use of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Building Construction- Urethane Division, Society of Plastics.
- Fire Safety Guidelines for Use of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Insulation in Building Construction, Urethane Division Society of Plastics.
- Fire Study of Rigid Cellular Plastic Materials for Wall and Roof Ceiling Insulation, Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Fireproofing: A Dirty, Messy and Thankful Job. Michael J. Major, Construction Dimensions.
- Large-Scale Corner Wall Fire Tests of Spray-on Coatings over Rigid Urethane Foam, Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Monokote Type Z 3306 Thermal Barrier, Grace Concrete Products.
- NFPA Fire Code; 2012.
- Room-Scale Compartment Corner Tests of Spray-on Coatings over Rigid Polyurethane Foam Insulation. Society of Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Spray Equipment and Mixers, Construction Dimension.
- Spray Fireproofers Have Their Say, Steven Ferry – Construction Dimensions.
- Sprayed Urethane Foam and Fire Safety. Urethane Foam Contractors Association position statement.
- Thermal and Ignition Barriers for Polyurethane Foam – Materials. (HCF) 2003.
- Thermal and Ignition Barriers for Polyurethane Foam – Theory. (HCF) 2003.
- Thermal Barriers and Ignition Barriers for the Spray Polyurethane Foam Industry – SPFA AY-126 Thermal Barriers for SPF. 2011.
- Thermal Barriers for the Spray Polyurethane Foam Industry. Polyurethane Foam Contractors Division, The Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
- Toxicity of Combustion Products of Thermolin urethane foam vs. Isocyanate Foam and Wood, Olin Chemicals.
- Toxicologic Classification of Thermal Decomposition products of Synthetic and Natural Polymers, Alarie, Yves & Anderson, Rosalind C. – Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 57, 1981.
10. Foam Safety – General
- Disposal of used spray polyurethane foam drums; Safety First section of Spray Foam Magazine, 2009.
- Technical Services Department Bulletin No. 95 – Thermal Effects of Type NM-B Cable Encased in Spray-Foam Insulation Used in Residences – NEMA, 2006.
- Toxicology of Urea Formaldehyde and Polyurethane Foam Insulation. John C. Harris, MD; Barry H. Rumack, MD; Franklin D. Aldrich, MD, PhD, As printed in the Journal of The American Medical Association, Jan. 16, 1981, Vol. 245, No. 3
- Toxins In Insulation in a Fire. Department of Industrial Environmental Health Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1981.
11. Foam Safety – Personal protection, chemicals
- Air Monitoring Investigation – SPF Installation in Residential Structures. Brian F. Karlovich, CIH, CSP – Bayer Material Science LLC. 2009.
- Airborne Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) Concentrations Associated with the Application of Polyurethane Spray Foam in Residential Construction. Lesage, Jacques et al. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. 2007.
- Assessing isocyanate exposures in polyurethane industry sectors using biological and air monitoring methods. Creely KS, Hughson GW, Cocker J, Jones K. Ann Occup Hyg. 2006.
- Biological monitoring of exposure to 1, 5-naphthalene diisocyanate and 4,4′-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate. Sennbro CJ, Lindh CH, Mattsson C, Jonsson BA, Tinnerberg H. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2006.
- Biological monitoring of workers exposed to 4, 4′-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) in 19 French polyurethane industries. Robert A, Ducos P, Francin JM, Marsan P. Int Arch Occup. Environ. Health. 2007.
- CC20 Series Supplied-Air Respirator Instruction Manual, E. D. Bullard Company.
- CPSC Chronic Hazard Guidelines: – CPSC Website:
- Cross-sectional study of auto body workers exposed to diisocyanates: Does dermal exposure contribute to sensitization? Stowe MH, Liu Y, Wisnewski AV et al. Proc Am Thor Soc. 2006.
- Determination of isocyanate biomarkers in construction site workers. Sabbioni, G., Wesp, H., Lewalter, J., Rumler, R. Biomarkers. 2007.
- Diisocyanate conjugate and immunoassay characteristics influence detection of specific antibodies in HDI-exposed workers. Campo P, Wisnewski AV, Lummus Z et al. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2007.
- Epidemic of asthma in a wood products plant using methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. RC Woellner, Hall S, Greaves I, Schoenwetter W.F. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 1997.
- Excerpt from “Toxicology of Urea Formaldehyde and Polyurethane Foam Insulation.” John C. Harris, MD; Barry H. Rumack, MD; Franklin D. Aldrich, MD, PhD. As printed in the Journal of The American Medical Association. 1981.
- FAM-B Free-Air Half-Mask Supplied-Air Respirator Instruction Manual. E D Bullard Company.
- Foam Related Chemical Exposure Test, Olin Chemical Company.
- Guidelines for the prevention, identification and management of occupational asthma: Evidence review & recommendations [2004]. British Occupational Health Research Foundation. External link:
- Guidelines for the Responsible Disposal of Wastes and Containers from Polyurethane Processing (Technical Bulletin AX151). Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) 2002. Arlington, VA: American Chemistry Council (ACC).
- Health Effects of Isocyanates. Redlich CA, Bello D, Wisnewski AV. In: Rom WN (ed.) Environmental and Occupational Medicine. 2007.
- International Consensus Report on Isocyanates – Risk assessment and management, 2001.
- Isocyanate Exposure Study, The International Isocyanate Institute.
- Lung/skin connections in occupational lung disease. Redlich CA, Herrick CA. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008.
- Model 1482 Personal Respiratory Protection Equipment, HSC Corporation – Goodrich Safety Supply Co., Inc.
- NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards ;
- PA-80 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus , National Draeger, Inc.
- Personal Protective Equipment Catalog, Pulmosan Safety Equipment Corp., Industrial Supplies of Worcester, Inc.
- PMDI User Guidelines for Chemical Protective Clothing Selection (Technical Bulletin AX178). Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) 2001. Arlington, VA: American Plastics Council.
- Polyisocyanates and their prepolymers. Wisnewski AV, Redlich CA, Mapp CE, Bernstein DI. In: Bernstein LI, Chan-Yeung M, Malo J-L, Bernstein DI (eds.) Asthma in the Workplace, London: Taylor & Francis. 2006.
- Precautions for the Proper Usage of Polyurethanes, Polyisocyanurates and Related Materials. Upjohn Chemical Division Technical Bulletin 107.
- Preventing Asthma and Death from Diisocyanate Exposure, NIOSH ALERT, DHHS Publication No. 96-111. – –
- Preventing Asthma and Death from MDI Exposure During Spray-on Truck-bed Liner and Related Applications. NIOSH. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2006-149.
- Pulmonary and immunologic evaluation of foundry workers exposed to methylene diphenyldiisocyanate. (MDI). Liss GM, Bernstein DI, Moller DR, Gallagher JS, Stephenson RL, Bernstein IL. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1988.
- R5099 Airline Air-Supplied Respirator American Optical Safety Products
- Skin exposure to aliphatic polyisocyanates in the auto body repair and refinishing industry: II. A quantitative assessment. Bello D, Redlich CA, Stowe MH et al. Ann Occupational Hygenicist. 2008.
- Skin exposure to isocyanates: reasons for concern. Bello D, Herrick CA, Smith TJ et al. Environ Health Perspect. 2007.
- TDI User Guidelines for Chemical Protective Clothing Selection (Technical Bulletin AX179). Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) 2001. Arlington, VA: American Plastics Council.
- Type C Continuous Flow Supplied Air Respirator Operating Instructions. Pulmosan Safety Equipment Corp.
- Upper reference limits for biomarkers of exposure to aromatic diisocyanates. Sennbro, C. J., Littorin, M., Tinnerberg, H., Jonsson BA. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health. 2005.
- Working With MDI and Polymeric MDI: What You Should Know (Technical Bulletins AX205-English, AX215-Spanish, AX218-Portuguese, AX220-French). Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) 2001. Arlington, VA: American Plastics Council.
- Working With TDI: What You Should Know (Technical Bulletins AX202-English, AX216-Spanish, AX217- Portuguese, AX219-French). Alliance for the Polyurethanes Industry (API) 2001. Arlington, VA: American Plastics Council.
- Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance Report. NIOSH. 1994. Cincinnati, OH: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS (NIOSH) 1999.
12. Foam Safety – Site protection
- A NIOSH report on JD Long School:
- Air Quality Management Plan (HCF)
- SPF Health & Safety Information for homeowners, builders & installers, Installer Training & Test; ACC Spray Polyurethane Foam Product Stewardship Guide; SPFA & ACC, 2009.
- Spray Polyurethane Foam Product Stewardship Workbook; SPFA & ACC, 2009.
- What You Should Know About Fire-Rated Recessed Fixtures; – copyright Doctorow Communications, Inc., 2007.
13. Reference Organizations
- The American Chemistry Council (ACC)
- The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI)
- Spray Polyurethane Foam Association (SPFA);
- The Spray Foam Coalition (SFC)
- Occupational Safety and Health Assoc. (OSHA)
- The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- –
- 1-800-CDC-INFO
- The US Environmental Protection Agency
- EPA Isocyanate Profile:
- EPA Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) for MDI and pMDI can be found at
26. Case Studies
- Allen Memorial (Oberlin, OH)
- American Ski – 4 Grand Hotels (Killington and Dover VT., Twin Mountain, NH; Bethel, ME)
- ARRO 1 & 2 (Antarctica)
- AVA Gallery (Lebanon, NH)
- Beacon Capital (Boston, MA)
- Bombardier Office Building (Essex, VT)
- Case Study on Basement Renovations (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.)
- Champlain Valley Union High School Case Study (Burlington, VT)
- Currier Museum & Art Gallery (Manchester, NH)
- E-Vermont (Burlington, VT; Portland, ME)
- Hollywood International Airport (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
- Kendal at Hanover (Hanover, NH)
- Kennett High School (Gorham, NH)
- Londonderry High School (Londonderry, NH)
- Merrimack Valley High School (Merrimack, NH)
- Mount Washington Place (Twin Mountain, NH)
- NH Historical Society (Concord, NH)
- Park Avenue Armory (New York, NY)
- Proctor Academy – Academy Center (Andover, NH)
- Proctor Academy – Maxwell Savage (Andover, NH)
- Richmond Middle School (Hanover, NH)
- Rivendell School District (Orford, NH)
- Roswell Flower Library (Syracuse, NY)
- S. Londonderry Elementary School (S. Londonderry, NH)
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum & Art Gallery (New York, NY)
- TECH-FORMS prototype structure (N. Thetford, VT)
- The Big Dig (Boston, MA)
- Vermont History Center (Barre, VT)
- Vermont Law School’s Oakes Hall: Green building on a Budget, Malin, Nadav. Environmental Building News. (Sharon, VT)
- Wings Market (Fairlee, VT)