Variations on a Mass Masonry Theme – With a Touch of Foam
Course Description/Abstract
The objective of this session is to explore numerous methods of retrofitting foam insulation on the interior of mass masonry walls. When this is appropriate is the subject of another discussion. Materials options, delivery systems, and strategies for energy performance, reversibility, durability, vapor control, and water management will be demonstrated in various applications.
General Topic – “internal insulation of mass masonry”
Specific topic – “projects and lessons learned”
Provide a collage of examples of “internal insulation of mass masonry” in single-family, multi-family, and institutional projects
Illustrate installations using a number of material types
open and closed-cell foams
foam sealants
stressed-skin foam panels
various membranes and coatings
Demonstrate a number of delivery systems and methods
injection, spray, air sealing
assemblies including stressed-skin foam panels
Show a number of application types
open and closed cavities/surfaces
below-grade foundations
above-grade interior masonry retrofit strategies
with and without drainage provisions
closed-cell work–arounds
What’s wrong with this picture?
Projects/case studies
Supplemental Programs:
Foam 201 – Foam applications, quality assurance, and safety
Foam 301 – Preventing foam problems
Foam in historic buildings
Designing and specifying foam installations
Designing specialized foam applications
Managing costs for foam installations
Basements and crawl spaces
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to select the correct polyurethane foam product and installation method for their specific projects.
Participants will be able to identify the building science issues related to the use of foam plastic.
Participants will be able to differentiate between open and closed-cell foam products.
Participants will be able to relate their projects to similar real-world case studies demonstrating installation methods and foam uses.
Henri Fennell (CSI/CDT) is an architect with thirty-five years of experience in energy conservation products and services. He specializes in the use of manufactured and field-installed polyurethane technologies. As a building envelope consultant, Henri works with architects, designers, builders, and contractors to diagnose and solve building envelope problems. Before this position, he was President of Building Envelope Solutions, Inc. and FOAM–TECH, a spray foam contracting firm, for thirty years.