The case for processing monitors

Ratio/Process monitors allow installers to verify that process parameters are being met by their equipment.  Add a fault-protection feature that turns off the proportioner if parameters are not withing tolerances can prevent most foam problems.   This equipment automatically will do the following:

  1. provide security/alarms for this specialized equipment when the mobile factory is not occupied
  2. monitor processing equipment functions
  3. provide access to equipment information and controls by the operators from nearby remote locations
  4. provide access to information about the equipment operation by the owners of the equipment from remote home office locations
  5. control process settings and operation, including automatic shutdown if processing parameters are not maintained within specifications
  6. record the processing parameter sensor outputs and report compliance to the operators and owners

Note that the alternative to using this after-market capability is to manually monitor and record process equipment operations.  Manual calibration is a key step in manually verifying that chemical conditioning and proportioning are within the foam manufacturer’s tolerances.