Written safety plans for General Contractors and Foam Installers

RE: Safety and Indoor Air Quality Management Plan (IAQMP) components for projects that include the installation of polyurethane foam

OSHA requires written safety plans for all employers. Not having a written safety plan is the most common OSHA citation. There are sample plans available to the industry from OSHA and other trade organizations, but these are general and require Contractor input. Writing custom plans that are specific to the foam industry and specific Contractors is one of the services I provide when canned plans are not adequate to meet a Contractor’s needs. General and Foam Contractors who process foam products need information about air quality management and site protection that most other trades rarely need or use. HCF standard work requirements and written safety plans for foam Contractors typically include the following:

1. Written personal protection safety plan for personnel to use when installing one-part and two-part polyurethane foam insulation and sealants.

2. Minimum personal protection requirements for subcontractors who are installing polyurethane foam.

3. Guidelines for evaluating the written safety plans of subcontractors who are installing polyurethane foam.

4. Written site protection safety plan for personnel to use when installing one and two-part polyurethane foam insulation/sealants including the following:

a. Hazard communication plan and Owner checklist.

b. IAQMP component of the site protection safety plan for projects that include polyurethane foam installed by Contractor personnel.

i. Work zone isolation (HVAC, barriers, signage)

ii. Ventilation (means and methods and a recommended ventilation rate)

c. Vapor testing for re-occupancy certification (including guidance on using meters and badges).

d. General tight-house safety protocol.

i. CAZ safety considerations

ii. IAQ – radon, moisture, ventilation considerations

e. Site protection safety standard work requirements (SWRs) for polyurethane foam subcontractors.

5. Site protection SWRs for SPF subcontractors.

If you do not currently have a written safety plan, or your current safety plan does not include all of the components listed above, you may want to have a custom plan developed for your business. Developing a comprehensive plan will benefit your business as it is a model for field practices that should be implemented to protect your clients and crews, as well as to enable you to avoid the consequences of the new OSHA-NEP initiative. A comprehensive IAQMP can also set you apart from your competition when you are bidding work for informed clients and for LEED projects. If you have some of these items and you would like to have a review and/or update of your written plan, contact HCF for a free estimate of the time required to develop/review/update your written safety plan.